A premise straight from the bottom of bad ideas' barrels, and in a world where we thought Hollywood had finally grasped it, along comes "No Hard Feelings" to prove us spectacularly wrong. About as funny as a root canal performed by a drunk dentist is this so-called "comedy".

Sexual Coercion is Sexy
Let's start with the premise, shall we? A 32-year-old woman is hired by wealthy parents to seduce their 19-year-old son. Because nothing says "coming-of-age" quite like borderline sexual coercion, right? It is almost as if the writers tossed darts at a board of terrible ideas and chose to run with whatever stuck.
Jennifer Lawrence: From Oscar Winner to Predator
Usually the beacon of talent, Jennifer Lawrence wades through a mess in questionable choices as Maddie. Desperate attempts to seduce a clearly reluctant Percy come off less "charming" and more "restraining order material." The movie seems to want to paint her as lovable rogue but a predator with a sob story is what she feels like.
Humor Flatter than a Pancake
The humor attempts in the movie go down about as well as soup with a fork. From the cringe-worthy nude scenes to the awkward sexual encounters, it's a masterclass in how to make an audience feel uncomfortable. And not in the thought-provoking way-more in the "I need a shower after watching this" way.
The Elephant in the Room: A Glaring Double Standard
But here's the kicker: This movie is appalling. How it managed to get made and pass censorship is beyond me. Imagine if the plot were reversed: parents paying a 32-year-old man to have sex with their 19-year-old daughter to bring her "out of her shell." Despite her multiple attempts to say no and escape the situation, the man ultimately succeeds in taking her virginity. Which means that, other than the specifics, this is the scenario of No Hard Feelings, just with a 32-year-old woman and a 19-year-old man. Otherwise, it's the same, and somehow, it's okay because it's Jennifer Lawrence playing the girl, and she's "so cute, genuine, funny and down-to-earth," so she's just fine coercing someone into non-consensual sex. If the roles were flipped, this movie would likely fit into the category of "psychological horror." Instead, No Hard Feelings is a comedy. It is here that a deeply troubling double standard regarding how such narratives are framed according to gender roles and societal expectations becomes evident.
Deep as a Puddle
Any attempts at depth within the film are about as successful as a lead balloon. Sprinkle in some character development and life lessons, even-they get lost within a sea of problematic behavior and dubious ethics.
Conclusion: A hard pass on "No Hard Feelings"
In the end, "No Hard Feelings" is a tone-deaf disaster that should have been left on the cutting room floor. It's a relic of a bygone era when consent was a punchline rather than a necessity. Save your money, your time, and your brain cells. This movie deserves nothing but hard feelings.