The 2023 action-thriller Plane is a ride, both in its predictability and its appeal, not unlike the ones offered by an amusement park. Helmed by Jean-François Richet, Plane is exactly what it promises to be-a high-stakes survival story with bursts of adrenaline and moments of tension. It doesn't try to be great cinema, but it does enough to keep you around for its runtime. But for every ounce of entertainment it delivers, it equally makes one ponder what could have been had it taken bigger risks.

Thrills That Land but Don't Soar
Plane delivers its share of action and suspense but seldom ventures into truly memorable territory. The premise-a commercial pilot teaming up with a convict to survive after an emergency landing in hostile territory-is ripe with potential. Yet, it feels restrained in execution. Despite the moments of violence, the film feels unwilling to give in to its grittier instincts. In holding back, it sacrifices some visceral intensity that might have elevated it beyond a serviceable action flick.
Solid Performances Anchor the Story
The cast does an admirable job of grounding the outlandish premise of the film. Gerard Butler is gruff yet reliable in the type of role he has perfected over the years: charming yet commanding. Mike Colter, as the convict with a moral code, shines and brings layers to what could have been a one-dimensional character. Their chemistry is a highlight and forms a dynamic that keeps the narrative afloat even when the script flirts with clichés.
Verdict: An Enjoyable, If Imperfect, Journey
Plane is a good action movie; it entertains but makes zero demands of an audience member. Much in the same way one spends the day in an amusement park, the fun will be had-but it will not linger long afterward. This one impresses with performances, direction, and cinematography but fails to truly take risks. This plane keeps on ground level. Love it for what it is, a light, enjoyable ride through cinematic turbulence.